1999年 “現金時短機” 1999年 FカジノDX とりあえずお披露目配信【声アリ実況枠】【ニコ生と同時配信】 Fever Casino DX

1999年 “現金時短機” 1999年 FカジノDX とりあえずお披露目配信【声アリ実況枠】【ニコ生と同時配信】 Fever Casino DX

1999年 “現金時短機” 1999年 FカジノDX とりあえずお披露目配信【声アリ実況枠】【ニコ生と同時配信】 Fever Casino DX





大当たり確率: 1/224
時短突入率 4/5
(赤7青7黄7 200回・黒BAR黄BAR 120回・ チェリー・ベル・スイカ60回)
賞球数: 5&13
カウント&ラウンド数  10カウント× 16ラウンド
大当り出玉 約2,000個

The game machine uses gold-plated reels.
It has a near-future sound.
Please enjoy the occasional remorse and comical movements.


This live broadcast is an abandoned delivery without a distributor.
Therefore, the camera layout is fixed and can not be operated.
The self-flashing LED is used for rotation.
And because the start lottery is done at the blinking timing
It is impossible to draw a jackpot at any time.
Please watch after understanding in advance.
Links such as photos will be translated and pasted as soon as we notice.


Esta transmissao ao vivo e uma entrega abandonada sem um distribuidor.
Portanto, o layout da camera e fixo e nao pode ser operado.
O LED auto-piscante e usado para rotacao.
E porque a loteria inicial e feita no momento de piscar
E impossivel obter um jackpot a qualquer momento.
Por favor assista depois de entender com antecedencia.
Links como fotos serao traduzidos e colados assim que notarmos.
